

It's untied! Find out what La Sayo's plan is against the candidate Pendón and the PUPU parties

Published at: 29/05/2024 09:17 PM

Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

Maracaibo, Santa Lucía sector, diagonal to Pa' Que Luis, in the house with Chávez's face painted on the PSUV card.

Patriota Patricio the Maracucho

What was Diosdado? How are you, my dear brother? Look, Diosdado, you know that we had agreed that I had to go and tour with María Corina to find out more information about the conspiracy plans she's in, and if possible, get in her personal van to hear all the rumors. Well brother, I'm doing all that, but surgically so that no one suspects me, so you have to be more discreet, you can't tell anyone the information I'm giving you. Diosdado sees that I trust you a Malay, more than Tarzan in a cheetah.

Brother, yesterday Sayo almost had a heart attack when she found out that she had been revived a convincing proof of her clear and open call for foreign military intervention against Venezuela in 2018. I tell you that three years ago, Sayo hired a Panamanian digital agency to delete from the internet any records, press releases and publications that would leave a trace of their calls to the international community to invade our country militarily, but since there is no perfect crime, something was left rolling around there.

Diosdado, María Corina trusted that the Panamanian agency had erased all the records, but they defrauded her and now she is more worried than a fat man sitting in a plastic chair because her advisors told her that they could be hooked on her in the next few days for treason.

Brother, in front of me in the van where she broke glass to victimize herself, she called her Colombian friends to activate a possible escape plan in case she had to flee like Juan Guaidó, alias “Juanito Alimaña”, Julio Borges, alias, “El Cejón”, Antonio Ledezma, alias “The Vampire”, Iván Simonovis, alias “El Venado” and the “Prince of Salamanca” Leopoldo López, all fugitives from justice, if there is anything that opposition is there, it is that courage is not they're going to get sick.

Diosdado, just yesterday, the US ambassador, Francisco Palma de Coco, wrote to La Sayo through the messaging application “Signal”, and among other things, he subtly suggested that he consider leaving Edmundo González alias “Chespirito” at the head of the campaign, because the evidence is overwhelming. María Corina replied to Palma de Coco that she was going to continue, that the Americans should rather help her, but as always, Palma de Coco was left without a signal and left her talking to herself.

Primo, La Sayo wants safe conduct to remove the leaders of Vente Venezuela who are hiding in the Argentine embassy from the country. Palma de Coco advised her to forget about that, but she doesn't want to because Magalli Meda, alias “La Commadre”, Pedro Urruchurtututu, alias “Mango Espichado” and Claudia Macero, alias “The Singer”, handle a lot of information about international plans and lobbies for military intervention against Venezuela, Sayo is worried that this information will get into the hands of the government.

Brother, speaking of “Chespirito”, I tell you that La Sayo has been decreasing her reference to him, and she hardly shows it on the banner anymore because her advisors told her that this is a demonstration of weakness since she is selling Edmundo as an absent, sick and puppet candidate, but the real reason is that La Sayo doesn't take out the poster because she is already getting tired of Chespirito, surprises are coming.

Cousin, hold on to the fact that I have a bomb for you. Sayo ordered 10 million electoral cards to be printed without the “Chespirito” face but with the Manito card because she says she will send votes only for the MUD card so that no votes are added to either the UNT card or the MPV card. Brother, you know that María Corina hates Manuel Rosales more than I hate whole wheat bread with a Coca Cola Light.

Diosdado I'm going to finish now, but I have a nice one for you: brother, there is a shambles between Leopoldo López, Antonio Ledezma and Julio Borges with María Corina, because La Sayo promised each of them that if “Chespirito” became president she would appoint them Chancellor of the Republic, but they found out that María Corina had made the same promise to all three of them and now they are exploiting La Sayo's cell phone to clarify the situation.

Primo so you know that mom still believes that I'm with you in Caracas, if she asks you about me, don't tell her that I'm touring with La Sayo because the old one is going to get rid of it. Diosdado I found out that the boys secretly grabbed my Farline-500 again and crashed it, I'm going to see what parts are missing so you can help me look for the spare parts back in Caracas.

Well brother I'm leaving you because I'm still here riding in the van waiting for what Sayo says.

Diosdado I love you more than a cachaça mollejúa that is served in the “Solar del Este” with a liter of soursop juice and a cake of three milks.

You take care of me dear brother.