

It's not going! María Corina explodes in anger at the US position that leaves her like the guayabera

María Corina Machado's international media strategy is collapsing for the coming weeks
Photo: Internet

Published at: 07/02/2024 09:30 PM

February 7th, 2024

Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Washington by Diosdado Cabello.

Patriot VIP

My friend Diosdado, how are you? , I have noticed that you are very advanced in your English classes, although a mutual friend told me that you speak English very well but you are acting crazy. Brother, I'm still in Washington and from here I don't move until April, we're going to see if the gringos are going to challenge the oil and economic lobbies who continue to demand to abandon, once and for all, the blackmail of sanctions because this affects US interests more than Nicolás Maduro.

I tell you that I personally came to the session of the Subcommittee on Foreign Affairs for the Western Hemisphere of the North American Congress, I wanted to see and hear “Mentira Fresca Machado”. The meeting was sold as a bipartisan “round table”, that is, a pact of Democratic and Republican congressmen. Brother, WHAT A SHAME, WHAT A SHAME.

The so-called “bipartisan” round table, announced with much fanfare, ended up being a simple talk by Mrs. Machado with her usual panas, the congressman from La Gusanera, read: María Elvira Salazar and Mario Diaz-Balart.

Let's get to the facts. The Western Hemisphere subcommittee is comprised of 10 members in total, four Democrats and six Republicans. It is chaired by María Machado's little friend, the other María Pero Salazar.

Of the ten members, only four were present. Three Republicans: María Elvira Salazar, Bill Huizenga and Keith Self, and for the Democrats there was only Joaquín Castro, who didn't stay until the end and his presence was almost inevitable because he is the second ranking member of the committee. The crude image of a round table that was ENTIRELY EMPTY shocked the spectators. After 40 minutes, without Mrs. María Machado finishing her speech, Republican Bill Huizenga and Democrat Joaquín Castro left the room.

In the middle of the show, the other member of the worm farm, Mario Díaz-Balart, who is not part of that committee, appeared, but arrived to try to reinforce the image of the congressmen in the face of such a failure. Incredibly, there was more paddling and press than members of Congress, including David Smolansky. Brother, these people keep making a fool of themselves.

We continue. My patriotic collaborator from Vente Venezuela, tells me about the bomb that exploded in Bejucal after comments from Juan González, Joe Biden's advisor for the Western Hemisphere, I quote: “the only thing that interests the United States is the process, not the candidate.” This statement sparked enormous anger on the part of Mrs. María Machado, as it demolishes her international media strategy for the coming weeks.

Juan González's comments, which were released by the Bloomberg news agency after the meeting with President Gustavo Petro, prompted Mrs. Machado to demand that Pedro Urruchurtu immediately complain to Ambassador Palmieri and to ask for a statement to counter what she considered a disgrace on the part of one of the main spokespersons of the White House.

Then, today the embassy published a kind of “damage control” trying to complement Juan González's phrase in favor of María Corina, the truth is that the famous complement of the embassy was not reflected in the Bloomberg note, there they and their entanglement trying to be good with God and the devil.

Despite this, my sources at the United States embassy in Colombia, where Palmieri operates, confirm that on several occasions the ambassador has let Mrs. María Machado know that the chances of reversing her disqualification are almost nil, that the best thing is to seek a replacement because the Biden administration wants to bet on the electoral process of 2024, and continue to advance in face-to-face negotiations with Venezuela.

By the way, speaking of María Machado's new media strategy, which also includes blatantly lying, saying that there are now more than three million votes she got in the primary, I confirm that since last week Mrs. Machado herself began calling important Venezuelan journalists, influencers, strategists and thinkers to commit them to her new cause called “without me there are no free elections”.

These meetings seek to build communication agreements to strengthen a kind of “media farm” with the intention of covering networks and establishing lines of rapid dissemination in support of their actions, the objective is to build a narrative that serves to put pressure on the international community.

Brother I'm falling asleep with this song: “Tic, Tac, Tic, Tac, on the platform La Sayona has a substitute NOW”.

Remember that I am your fine and important friend, change and go.

Mazo News Team