It's not going! María Corina deflates and the gringos ask to discuss a plan to replace her
Photo: Internet
Published at: 28/02/2024 09:48 PM
February 28th, 2024
From: Department of State - Washington by Diosdado Cabello
Patriot VIP
My friend Diosdado, how are you? Brother, I'm at the State Department because something is cooking and we'll have news soon. By the way, they don't peel the Dando Deck here, they even have a monitoring room to see you.
We're going straight ahead and without much protocol because things are on fire here. Brother, I'll tell you that the gringos ordered their embassy in Bogotá to hire a survey to measure Mrs. Machado. To do this, they looked for a well-known Venezuelan pollster. The results were a blow to the liver, as they reveal María Corina's sudden fall.
Brother, the reactions of frustration among the main spokespersons of the Biden administration were inevitable, imagine, so much money invested in this extremist opposition and yet they do not achieve solid popular support.
Later, the results of this survey were shared with some leaders of the Unitary Platform, and the response of one of them was “we said it, that's why the primary should not have been in October”.
We must remind Mazovists that around that time in October 2023, some moderate opponents asked to postpone the SÚMATE primaries and proposed that they be held during the first quarter of 2024 with the CNE.
The objective was to have a credible process, take advantage of political momentum and prevent the candidate elected in that primary from deflating as is actually happening. Brother, it's not just about disqualification, it's that Mrs. Machado is losing oxygen because she doesn't have a coherent and credible plan to offer the country, people have already begun to realize that she's an empty shell.
However, Mrs. Machado knew what was happening, so during her recent visit to the east of the country, she unleashed her anger against political analysts and pollsters. She had received the information from the survey ordered by the Americans who again asked her to begin discussing the replacement plan.
As the weeks go by, the ugliest thing is getting on Mrs. Machado, and she would be close to being able to have the chair, but the table at home.
Dirty campaign
Brother, I've been warning you and you mentioned it last week. Faced with the lost time and the imminent presidential election without Mrs. Machado, the order is to turn up the volume of the media war, activate dirty war campaigns and seek the internal fracture of Chavism. Another line is to attack everyone who goes against their line regardless of who they are: media, analysts, commentators, it's about acting like what Vente Venezuela is, a headquarters of the Ku Klux Klan, supremacist haters.
Seriously, Bro! , I recommend that you do not underestimate the lady, she and her financiers are bleeding from the wound, they are capable of anything.
Madrid de mis amores
One of my lobbyists in Madrid informed me that despite the strong pressure exerted by the nauseating opposition that lives like wrens in Spain, including media owners, who seek to break up relations between Spain and Venezuela with the case of Rocío San Miguel, everything is still calm for now, apparently they will be left with the frizzy facts.
I'll give you a head start
It would be good to ask ourselves who is providing protection to Rocío San Miguel's relatives in Madrid and using them to carry out activities against the “regime”? Who is funding the lobby to put pressure on Mr. Pedro Sánchez? Soon I will send you all this information with hairs and signals.
Remember that I am your fine and important friend, change and go.