

What Sayo doesn't know, or she does know but plays the crazy part, is that Márquez was expelled from UNT because he was corrupt

Published at: 17/04/2024 10:28 PM

Wednesday, April 17, 2024.

Maracaibo, Santa Lucia sector, diagonal to Pa' Que Luis, in the red house with white bars that has the eyes of Chávez and a sign of Maduro.

Patriota Patricio the Maracucho

What was Diosdado? How are you my dear brother?

Malay happy birthday, what I love you is dick, may you celebrate many more years. The old woman says that when you return to Maracaibo you make peace around the house, it's a surprise that she has you so play crazy as if I hadn't said anything to you.

Diosdado first I want you to clarify one thing for me because I am more confused than Adam and Eve on Mother's Day. Brother, you still haven't told me what I'm going to do, if I stay in Vente Venezuela or go to A New Time, if it's because of me, I get out of everything, the opponents live killing each other, they are incoherent and very deceitful, they love to deceive people and you know that I am an evangelical Pentecostal Christian and in the church they prohibit me from telling lies.

Since you haven't told me what I'm going to do, on Monday I went to Caracas to meet the schedule at VENTE Venezuela, brother this looks like the wake of the El Carmen Funeral Home, here everyone is crying because they ran out of a candidate and they don't know what to do, but María Corina, alias “La Sayo” is in some strange moves and promises to make her followers crazier.

You know that when I feel like digesting, I go up to the bathrooms near Sayo's office and I take advantage of listening to what he says. María Corina had a video call with Leopoldo López alias “The Princess of Salamanca”, that lasted about 40 minutes, but in order to hear the gossip I was able to sacrifice a gut. They agreed not to follow the orders of the US ambassador Francisco “Palma de Coco” and decided to reactivate the social media attacks against Manuel Rosales, for which they hired 2.0 agencies operating from Bogotá, Panama City and Miami, all coordinated with the journalist Orlando Avenaño, alias “Donkey with Sleep”.

The attacks ordered by María Con Ira are financed by two funds: the international aid fund controlled by “El Princeso de Salamanca” and the ExxonMobil fund controlled by La Sayo through SÚMATE. The objective of the new wave of attacks against Rosales is to pressure the undecided parties that are part of the Unitary Platform not to support him.

Diosdado, I'm going to tell you something else but I warn you, if you're going to send SEBIN, swear to me that you're going to let me know. As you know, we are short of staff and La Sayo sent me to some coordination meetings that are now being held in Parque Central. There were 11 PUD parties there, including Un Nuevo Tiempo from the Libertador municipality. Brother, there was talk of a lot of ugly and violent things, I don't want to appear in strange things to end up in prison because La Sayo has the habit of entangling you and then washing your hands, a pure show for social networks and the international community, but internally not a single thing sends water to the family of those who are imprisoned for conspiring and attacking President Maduro under his orders.

Sayo tries to insist on supporting the candidacy of Edmundo González Urrutia, but she knows that the old man signed the resignation as a presidential candidate and that the MUD card could fall under the power of the Philosopher of Zulia, Cara e' Vieja and the Capriles Ghost. That's why María Corina has another plan that she's already developing. Let me explain what it is, La Sayo knows that Enrique Márquez alias “The Party Reseller” and Manuel Rosales are angrier than Ramos Allup and Bernabé Gutiérrez, which is why María Corina is going to propose Márquez's candidacy as “plan C”, all in her intention of trying to fuck Rosales, in the end, “The Party Reseller” is only fishing in a rough river because his plan is to be a candidate for governor of Zulia.

What Sayo doesn't know, or she does know but she plays crazy, is that Enrique Márquez was expelled from UNT because he was corrupt and there are other stories from when he was rector of the CNE, besides, he is very close to scorpions. The Philosopher of Zulia has all these tests and will soon make them public.

Mom and the boys send you their greetings, they say that they love you very much and that they are waiting for you to go to Ana María Campos park together. This week I'll go out to see how the PSUV is going with the instructions you left yesterday.

Diosdado I love you more than a mixed potato with zebu cheese, tartar sauce and double serving of pork, brushed with a brushing of tail with milk. You take care of me brother.