

Iran seeks to revitalize the 2015 nuclear deal weakened by the US

Ali Baqeri Kani, Acting Chancellor of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Photo: Internet

Published at: 18/07/2024 09:33 AM

The acting foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ali Baqeri Kani, rejected the possibility of his country signing a new agreement on the nuclear program for peaceful purposes with the West.

“We have an agreement signed in 2015. This was finalized with the consent of Iran and the 5+1 Group composed of the United States (USA), the United Kingdom, France, Russia and China, plus Germany,” he said during an interview reviewed by Hispantv.

Baqeri Kani recalled that the United States withdrew from the agreement and caused him harm. “We are still members of the JCPOA (acronym in English for the Comprehensive Plan of Joint Action, or the official name of the pact).”

Likewise, he stressed that the US has not yet been able to return to the PIAC, therefore, Iran's objective is to “revive the 2015 agreement”. “We are not looking for a new pact,” he insisted, making it clear that the Persian country is determined to use all existing capabilities within the framework of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and Safeguard agreements to promote its nuclear program for civilian purposes.

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