

IPC repudiates damage to monuments and cultural assets in Venezuela

Burning headquarters of the Mayor's Office of the Colina Municipality (La Vela de Coro)
Photo @VillegasPoljak

Published at: 31/07/2024 08:04 AM

Through the social network X, the Minister of Popular Power for Culture, Ernesto Villegas, shared the statement issued by the Institute of Cultural Heritage (IPC) repudiating the damage caused during violent demonstrations in several states of the country, perpetrated against monuments, infrastructures and cultural assets of patrimonial value, including the University City of Caracas and the Mayor's Office of La Vela de Coro, both registered on the lists of the UNESCO, as a World Heritage Site.

“The IPC totally and emphatically repudiates any damage to the nation's cultural heritage, by virtue of the events that occurred in the national territory, specifically in: Falcón, Barinas, Capital District, Trujillo, La Guaira, Guárico, Miranda, Portuguesa, Lara and Anzoátegui,” the IPC said in part of the statement.

He also indicated that “the destruction of monuments, burning of infrastructures and other damage to symbols that constitute important references in the imaginary of our people, as a supposed way of expressing discontent, is clearly totally disproportionate, since it not only impacts their material damage but also affects the community in general by exhibiting fascist, vandalism and destruction of heritage and therefore of our cultural identity, which we know are unfounded from other latitudes.”

In this way, the IPC pointed out that “each of the damages carried out to public property, whether or not, is unacceptable, and requires the Venezuelan people to ensure, protect and protect the historical memory of the country, which is our unique and inalienable collective and personal legacy.”

Villegas also shared in images the destruction of monuments and infrastructure by violent groups in the different states of the country.

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