

International Women's Day for Peace and Disarmament: Honoring the feminist fight against violence

The role of women as active and visible agents in building peace in the world has been unstoppable

Published at: 24/05/2024 08:00 AM

With the objective of incorporating feminist struggles into the processes of eradicating violence in the world, every May 24, the International Women's Day for Peace and Disarmament is celebrated.

The celebration of this important date dates back to the 80s, thanks to the formation of a group of pacifist women from some European countries and the United States and whose objective was the fight against the arms race and the use of nuclear weapons.

During these years, many pacifist movements rose up. One of them was the so-called Association of Women Parliamentarians for Peace, and one of the main protagonists was Maj Britt Theorin, who in her role as president of the United Nations organization was a key player in the incorporation of women to end disarmament and achieve peace.

Since the celebration of the First World Congress of Women in The Hague on April 15, 1915, the role of women as active and visible agents in building peace in the world has been unstoppable.

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