

Integral Defense Regions guarantee the peace of the People in the face of conspiracies (+Bolivarian Fury)

REDI Capital
Photo Capture

Published at: 22/01/2024 01:36 PM

This Monday, January 22, the eight Commanders of the Strategic Integral Defense Regions (REDI) of Venezuela expressed their rejection of any conspiratorial activity against the Homeland and reaffirmed their commitment to safeguarding the peace and sovereignty of the entire territory.

In this regard, the head of REDI Capital, M/G Johan Hernández Lárez, pointed out that “we express our categorical rejection of any destabilizing and conspiratorial action, we all assume the great responsibility of maximum vigilance (...) to defend the right to stability against any internal or external aggression”.

He also assured that those who conspire or attack the Homeland will encounter “the Bolivarian Fury of a People who will come out to defend their democracy, their Constitution and their right to Peace.”

In turn, they reiterated their commitment to the People of Venezuela, the Bolivarian Revolution and to the legacy of Commander Hugo Chávez, in the voice of: “Always loyal, never traitors (...) Bolivarian Fury, We Will Win”.

In the same way, the Commanders of the REDI reaffirmed that they will also continue to combat illegal activities such as drug trafficking in our territory.

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