

INCES trains young people as tour guides in Guárico

Waterfalls in the llanera entity
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 14/04/2024 08:43 PM

The National Institute for Socialist Training and Education (INCES) is carrying out a process of training adventure tour guides in low and medium mountains in the state of Guárico.

These are 200 young people who will be responsible for serving users in the different natural and heritage areas of the town, which are part of a network of great value and wealth that must be promoted and marketed in a sustainable way, with the aim of improving the socio-economic development of the population.

In a press release, the INCES explains that young people receive practical and theoretical technical training in the economic and social geography of Venezuela, orientation and attention to the user, environment and environmental protection, camping and hiking, sustainable and sustainable development in motor tourism, design of national and international tourism products and rope management.

The curricular units are developed by members of Inces, the staff of Inparks, representatives of the Guárico State Forest Fire Department and other institutions attached to the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Ecosocialism.

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