INCES trained nearly 12,000 Zulia workers in 2024

Photo: Internet

Published at: 20/12/2024 09:14 AM
During the year 2024, the National Institute for Socialist Training and Education (INCES) trained 11,963 workers in the state of Zulia, under the National System of Training and Self-Training of the working class.
The regional director of INCES Zulia, José Vicente Farías Echeverri, explained to the newspaper Últimas Noticias that the figure reached has been possible, thanks to “the joint work between educational missions, INCES and experimental, polytechnic and territorial universities”.
“The National Training and Self-Training System for the working class (...) has functioned exceptionally in the state, since 11,963 Zulian workers have covered the academic curriculum in the region,” he said.
Some 643 workers from the state of Zulia were certified in the 7th joint graduation of the working class, held throughout the country.
Degrees at different levels and areas of learning were awarded to promotion members formed through the Workers' Productive Councils (CPTT) together with the Worker Education Meeting Center (CEET).
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