

INCES adapts curriculum to new demands in the world of work

The INCES implements a collaborative methodology

Published at: 08/02/2024 10:44 PM

The National Institute for Socialist Training and Education (INCES), completed a process of reviewing and modernizing its training offer, in order to adapt to the changing demands of the world of work and the specific needs of Venezuelan companies and workers.

The INCES implements a collaborative methodology, in which a group of experts in knowledge and doing meet in a space for dialogue, with the objective of defining and systematizing the essential skills and competencies for training and/or updating that Venezuelans require to work in a job. This initiative seeks to transcend the barriers of the static curriculum and embrace the dynamics of a constantly evolving labor market.

The updating of the curriculum is not limited to the general needs of the country and the workers. The INCES is also concerned about being linked to the territory for which its training is intended. Each region of the Venezuelan territory has its own geographical, economic and industrial characteristics. Therefore, we seek to adapt the training to these particularities to be truly relevant.

Survey to listen to key actors

The INCES launched a survey aimed at businessmen from all over the country. The objective is to know the real needs of companies. What competencies do they need? What niches need to be filled in terms of training? This information is essential for designing curricula that respond to the demands of the labor market and to more fully comply with the obligation of the Inces to train for jobs.

“The INCES commitment is clear: to create relevant curricula. If we do not currently offer some specific courses, we are willing to develop them, whenever they are necessary for our society. We don't want to graduate people whose knowledge doesn't find application in the world of work. Training must be useful and transformative,” said Wuikelman Angel, president of INCES.

It should be noted that the institution has an intellectual heritage of 718 curricular units or training (formerly called courses), grouped into 189 Productive Profiles and 72 Qualified Occupations whose name corresponds to a work occupation, as established by the International Uniform Classifier of Occupations (CIUO) and the Classifier of Venezuelan Occupations (VOC) in force since 2013.