

INAC advances in rehabilitation of air terminals and operational safety in the country

Care for the Easter holidays
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 19/03/2024 04:28 PM

Officials from the National Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC)! carry out work to recover aeronautical infrastructure on a national scale.

Among the actions, the refurbishment and adaptation of the Control Towers located in the Archipelago of Los Roques, Oro Negro, in Cabimas in the state of Zulia and at the Don Edmundo Barrios Airport in San Tomé de Anzoátegui, stands out.

Through a press release from the institution, it became known that the workers are progressing in the work of applying paint, installing LED luminaires, repairing ceilings, electrical system, equipment.

The central objective is to promote the rehabilitation of air terminals and ensure safety and efficiency in air operations in Venezuela, strengthening airport infrastructure and providing quality service to users.

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