

In the first discussion, AN approves the Law for the Decent Treatment of Companion Animals

Companion animal rights groups showed joy
AN Press

Published at: 06/02/2024 07:07 PM

The National Assembly (AN) unanimously approved the first discussion regarding the bill for the Decent and Responsible Treatment of Companion Animals, which had already been presented twice in 2022, with the presence of several activists for this cause in the legislative area.

The president of the AN, Jorge Rodríguez, indicated that this project is being referred to the permanent committee on integral social development “for the purpose of preparing the corresponding report for its second discussion,” and he also congratulated the deputies for this bill with a great humanist and human character “charged with solidarity and compassion”.

The deputy and second vice-president of the AN, América Pérez, recalled that Venezuela is the first country to have a legislature that protects animas. “By promoting this law, we will be teaching our children the importance of life and of treating animals with kindness and compassion. We are going to a big debate to strengthen this law and we are going to ask for the appropriate sanctions for those who mistreat our pets and that animal abuse be recognized as a criminal offense.”

For her part, the deputy Carlyana Arriechi explained that there are still great struggles to wage, including the defense of animal rights. “This National Assembly today raises a new flag and unites us, among our differences, to advance to a society that rewards compassion and resilience. I appreciate the consideration of this initiative, which we have proposed on three occasions, I only have to ask them to vote in favor of this law.”

The Purple Animal Protection Brigades, the Civil Association for Legs and Tails, the Chacao Rescue Organization, the Planeta Animal Rescue Foundation, the Animal Legal Foundation and the Nevado Mission were present on the premises of the Venezuelan parliament.