

In more than 200 municipalities! This is how the third day of the registration of the Great Mission Viva Venezuela unfolded

Third day of the registration of cultivators
VTV photo

Published at: 16/03/2024 07:49 PM

This Saturday, March 16, the third day of registration of cultivators for the Great Mission Viva Venezuela Mi Patria Querida was held in 217 municipalities in the country.

This was announced by the Deputy Minister of Culture, Karen Millán, from Plaza Bolívar in Caracas, where she took stock of the day.

He recalled that during the registration, information is also collected from the country's cultivators and artists, who join this initiative that seeks to meet their needs and dignify the sector, Venezuelan Television reports.

He also explained that to date, more than 26,800 artistic groups, more than 7,000 brotherhoods, more than 6,000 groups of Venezuelan cultural diversity have been registered in the movement.

“This festival has been diverse, busy, beautiful and today ratifying this meeting of the Venezuelan people, of the people who cultivate in defense and integration of their heritage,” he said.

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