

In love and joy! The town of Monagas arrived in Caracas to support the registration of the country's candidate Nicolás Maduro

Town of Monagas in Caracas
PSUV photo

Published at: 25/03/2024 09:29 AM

Full of joy and patriotic love, Pueblo de Monagas arrived in Caracas this Monday to accompany the registration of the candidate of the Bolivarian Revolution, Nicolás Maduro, before the National Electoral Council (CNE).

The men and women of Monagas express their unconditional support for the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, who has been with the People in these years of struggle, battle and victory.

Let us remember that the revolutionary forces have already begun to concentrate on the two points of the city of Caracas from where the mobilization will start to the CNE.

Mazo News Team