In honor of the Liberator! Pico La Columna de Mérida changes its name to Pico Bolivar (+87 years old)

Photo: Internet

Published at: 30/12/2024 08:30 AM
In honor of the Liberator Simon Bolivar, on March 18, 1925, at the proposal of Dr. Tulio Febres Cordero and Juan Rodríguez Suárez, Pico La Columna was renamed Pico Bolívar. The official christening with the new name took place on December 30, 1934, in a ceremony at the foot of the monument of La Columna and with water from the Chama River.
This peak is the highest geographical feature in Venezuela, with an official altitude of 4,978 meters above sea level. It is part of a group of peaks located in the Sierra Nevada within the homonymous national park in the Mérida mountain range.
Along with sister peaks: Humboldt and Bonpland form the main peaks of the Venezuelan Andes mountain range.
The peak has received at least four different names throughout history, the name with which it was first known was “Pico La Columna”, a name that was also used interchangeably with the names “Concha” and “Peineta”.
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