In Gaza 175 journalists were killed for telling the truth
Published at: 07/10/2024 01:49 PM
The Palestinian Journalists Union reported that journalists and media in that country have suffered 1,600 attacks in the last 12 months.
Telesur's Gaza correspondent, Huda Heazi, noted that press workers suffer alongside the villagers from Israeli crimes.
Israel has killed more journalists in a year than in any conflict in the last 30 years. In 12 months, more journalists died in Israeli attacks in Gaza and Lebanon than in any similar period recorded since 1992, the Committee to Protect Journalists said.
According to data from the Press Office of the Government of Gaza, 175 media workers were killed in the Palestinian territory between October 7, 2023 and October 4, 2024.
In addition, the organization is also investigating 130 other cases of alleged murders, arrests or injuries.
Meanwhile, dozens of journalists and citizens gathered this October 6 at a stand organized by the Union of Palestinian Journalists, in the center of Ramallah, to denounce the crimes committed against Palestinian journalists throughout the year.
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