

In a tailspin and bottomless! Inmundo's betrayals and La Sayo's failures unleash hysteria within extremism

María “La Sayo” Machado
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 18/09/2024 10:39 PM

September 18, 2024

Location: Valle Arriba Country Club Hello Gordooooooooooooo

! How are you chubby in my heart? , I am exhausted, stressed and desperate, I can't stand Cori anymore. Diosdado José finishes taking it to the five-letter hotel, not to the bar, to the hotel.

I came to my house to rest because I can't stand another day with Cori. God, Cori doesn't accept reality, she doesn't accept that my uncle Inmundo betrayed her, she doesn't accept that my uncle Inmundo, a week before the election of July 28, had entered into conversations with the Spaniards and it was always in his mind to flee to Spain.

My coconut nougat, my uncle Inmundo's, has affected Cori so much that now I think we have to take her to a psychiatric hospital. God! The end has arrived and Cori doesn't want to notice it. On Social Networks and internationally, Cori manages to make a lot of noise, taking advantage of the fact that the International Community and its institutions are in decline and cannot find a way to cover up the world's great crises, which is why they are using Venezuela to deflect their own weaknesses. Cori doesn't assume he lost any chance of moving the street and the million-dollar question is how can you come to power without a drop of popular support?

My sour grapefruit candy, the mobilization situation is so serious, that even internally there is no way to activate the commandos or anyone from what was once the structure of Vente Venezuela, no matter how much they have sent us money and Cori asks me to pay the commands to move them, there is no way they can answer my phone.

As if that weren't enough, I also had to deal with Magali, who now repeats her episodes of hysteria more often than before. Yesterday we had an argument because she wants Cori to come out openly supporting Erick Prince to see if that way Cori will once again raise her image of the supposed iron lady after my uncle Inmundo ridiculed her, but Cori played crazy and asked me to think about the logistics of setting up a cyberprotest on the 21st of this month, yes my gordis! , don't laugh, remember that in the cyber world it's the only place where Cori can gain ground, but I haven't been able to get the influencers to confirm me yet.

But the madness of these days doesn't end there. Until yesterday there was a fight over the keys to the social networks of my uncle Inmundo, his daughter Carolina who thinks she is the infanta of Miraflores, and other characters that I will give you details later, were asking Cori to release my uncle's Social Networks, Cori refused.

My mango jelly, after all, makes me very sorry for Cori because the poor one has mixed feelings, on the one hand she wants my uncle Edmundo to be sworn in as President and on the other she wants him to disappear, because she already knows that my uncle has no word and much more so after seeing today's embarrassment, how is it possible that my uncle didn't comply with the Spaniards to whom he swore that he wanted to go of his own free will and that he would respect asylum? , that being the case, my unclean uncle does not fulfill himself, much less will he fulfill to Cori that famous agreement they had signed where he swore that as president he would swear in Cori as vice-president and then hand over the command to her.

God, I still can't understand how my uncle Inmundo is going to say that they forced him to sign, please! In other words, if that had been true why didn't he say it as soon as he arrived in Spain, why did he wait for someone from his environment to leak the document? My pineapple candy, when my uncle Inmundo said goodbye to me, made him super relaxed, and he never complained about anything bad. In fact, once he arrived in Spain, he called my cousin and said, “I'm fine and I did my best for our peace”, God! my uncle is lying and I don't like that.

Two weeks before my uncle announced his departure from the country with the Spaniards, the owner of a Mayamero media outlet told a friend of mine, verbatim, that he was very upset because he had put money into the Cori project and my uncle Inmundo wanted to “go to pajamas”. How did this man know that my uncle had no plans to continue in the race? , or was this man also coerced?

On Saturday there was a meeting with my uncle Inmundo via zoom, it turns out that he never told the people of the Unitary Platform that he had left under an agreement, much less coerced, so today's news fell like a bomb inside the so-called unit, that will end badly.

By the way, chubby, this is the part where I accidentally become toxic. Do you know the gringo soldier you grabbed the other day? , well Diosdado José, pending! because there are more in the territory, and I still don't understand how there are unwary people who can believe that these gringos are holy pigeons who fall in love in Venezuela or who are eager to come and see Angel Falls or Los Roques.

I warn you that two things are coming: more fights within the group of lousy opposition people, including my uncle Inmundo; psychoterror will increase to distract the population.

Speaking of psychoterror, I wanted to test the platform of Cori's mercenary friend to try to find out what's behind it? so I made a “donation” of 100 euros, I'll pass on some things to you, but next week I'll send you the full information.

God, for today I don't have the head to continue writing because I haven't yet come to terms with the disaster caused by my uncle Inmundo, next week we'll have a new story.

I write to you and I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a crab. Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu