

In 1948, the forced exodus of the Palestinian people began.

70% of Palestinians dispossessed of their land became refugees in other countries
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Published at: 15/05/2024 08:33 AM

Every year, May 15, Nakba or Catastrophe Day is commemorated with protests and marches in Palestine and other parts of the world. Israel expelled more than 800,000 Palestinians from their homes.

70% of the Palestinians dispossessed of their land became refugees in other countries and the rest became internally displaced.

Today, the more than 800,000 have become more than five million Palestinian refugees who are prevented from returning to their lands, according to the United Nations (UN). Of the 60 million refugees in the world, Palestinians represent 44 percent of the number.

In the Gaza Strip, 1.2 million Palestinian refugees live, where they are victims of a blockade by land, sea and air, by Israel since 2007, which has resulted in a serious humanitarian crisis.

The Palestinians in the West Bank number more than 750,000 and live surrounded by Israeli walls, colonies and military posts. They suffer the continuous appropriation of their land, the demolition of their homes and infrastructure, and a systematic restriction on their freedom of movement.

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