

I'm waiting for you today! National President invites you to tune in with Maduro+

President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro
Internet photo

Published at: 18/03/2024 09:49 AM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, invited the People of Venezuela to tune in to his Con Maduro+ program this Monday at 7:00pm, through the Venezolana de Televisión window, its social networks and other digital platforms.

“Happy Monday Venezuela! Let us remember how beautiful it is to work for the future of a thriving homeland where new generations are at the pinnacle of everything. Let us continue to move along the path of prosperity, growth and commitment of the Venezuelan Power. I'm waiting for you today at “With Maduro+”, at 7:00 PM, Venezuela time!” , wrote the National President on the social network X.

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