

Illegal US operation tried to build false files against Venezuelan officials (+DEA)

President Maduro had denounced the US agency and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for promoting actions aimed at destabilizing the country

Published at: 01/02/2024 03:52 PM

This Thursday, a covert operation by the United States (USA) against Venezuela was revealed, which through the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) was illegally seeking to create a file involving leaders of the Bolivarian Government, including President Nicolás Maduro, with drug trafficking.

Through a 15-page memorandum, dating from 2018, quoted by the US news agency The Associated Press (AP), the DEA points out the need to “carry out this operation unilaterally and without notifying Venezuelan officials”, within the framework of “Operation Money Badger”, an investigation that, according to the authorities of the North American country, was aimed at dozens of people.

Previously, President Maduro had accused the U.S. agency and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of promoting actions aimed at destabilizing the South American nation, in conspiracies already identified and neutralized by the Venezuelan authorities. “The CIA and the DEA operate independently as imperialist criminal organizations,” he highlighted in recent statements.

This document, never seen before, was generated at the height of the campaign of “maximum pressure” promoted by former President Donald Trump against the South American nation, which came to the offer of rewards by Venezuelan leaders for alleged “links to drug trafficking”, without the proper presentation of evidence to support this accusation.

Because the plan ignored both Venezuelan and international laws, it required the approval of what is known as the Sensitive Activities Review Committee (SARC), a kind of secret conclave of senior officials of the U.S. Department of State and Justice in cases involving difficult ethical, legal or foreign policy considerations.

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