

IFE announces work on the Caracas-Cúa section over the weekend

Improvements to the transportation system
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 02/05/2024 04:05 PM

In the coming days, the State Railroad Institute (IFE) will carry out high-impact work to improve the railway network on the Caracas-Cúa section.

As reported by the IFE, the works will include the replacement of 100 meters of rail from Pk 22+200 to Pk23+500, with which a Temporary Single Road (VUT) will be activated, starting on Saturday, May 4th at 8:30pm, until Sunday, May 5th at 12:00pm. During this time, all necessary measures will be taken to ensure the operation of the service.

These improvements are part of the Zero Limitations Plan, and are essential to ensure continuity and security in the provision of the commercial service of the Ezequiel Zamora 1 section.

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