

Hugo Chávez Industrial Complex recovers key equipment for the evaluation of metallic materials

The intervention of the CVG Venalum technical team was essential in the process of restoring this device.
CVG Press

Published at: 23/08/2024 08:23 AM

The Hugo Chávez Frías Factory Industrial Complex (CIFF), in Anzoátegui, achieved significant progress in its mission to strengthen domestic production by recovering the Spark Spectrometer, a crucial piece of equipment for evaluating the chemical composition of metallic materials, which reinforces Venezuela's technological independence in a context marked by international challenges.

The president of the CIFF, Carlos Fanía, stressed that the recovery of the spectrometer is a clear sign of progress in the face of the restrictions imposed against the country.

“This is a concrete step towards technological self-sufficiency. Despite unilateral coercive measures, we continue to demonstrate that Venezuela is not standing still. We are committed to becoming a producer country, and not just a consumer,” he said.

The intervention of the CVG Venalum technical team was essential in the restoration process of this device, which will now allow accurate analysis of low and medium alloy steels, stainless steels and high manganese steels. This tool will not only benefit the machining and casting processes within the CIFF, but it will also be a strategic resource for other industrial sectors in the country.

Mazo News Team/CVG PRESS