

How did the opposition intend to kidnap President Maduro? Here are the details (+La Viñeta Case)

First Lieutenant Montiel was supported logistically and financially by former soldier Cliver Alcalá.
Photo Capture

Published at: 25/01/2024 12:11 PM

Last November 2023, the Venezuelan opposition had planned the kidnapping of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro and the Minister for Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, and then assassinated them, as confessed by first sergeant Jonathan José Abache Fuenmayor, who is involved in the coup conspiracy called La Viñeta.

According to Abache Fuenmayor's confession, the operation was led by First Lieutenant José Gregorio Montiel, who is also under arrest and confessed that the plan was indeed the kidnapping of the President and the ministers who would meet at that time.

First Lieutenant Jose Gregorio Montiel made a call to me: 'I want to kidnap President Nicolas Maduro, Defense Minister Padrino López, put them in a war tank that I have, but what I want is to kidnap and kill him to demand the release of Commander Marín Chaparro, who is at the headquarters of the DGCIM, '” said Abache Fuenmayor.

He also confessed that First Lieutenant Montiel was supported logistically and financially by the former soldier Cliver Alcalá Cordones and by a leader of the political opposition, who was going to emphasize the alleged political prisoners.

It is important to highlight, according to information from the Vea newspaper, Igber Marín Chaparro, the former officer who intended to free Montiel, is being arrested for conspiracy actions in 2018. In addition, his name appeared on a list of the "Transitional Government" that the right wing intended to establish, if the mercenary incursion of May 3, 2020 along the coast of the state of La Guaira was successful.

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