

Ho Chi Minh: Guide to Vietnamese Democracy (+seeding)

55 years after the planting of this revolutionary leader, the peoples of the world raise the flags of this giant that is a beacon that illuminates the struggles of peoples for their freedom

Published at: 02/09/2024 08:04 AM

On September 2, 1969, the revolutionary leader and father of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, died, who led the people to victory over imperial forces.

He was born on May 19, 1890 in the city of Nghe An. At a very young age, he decided to travel to France, where he came into contact with Indochinese nationalists and dedicated himself to the study of Marxism and socialist theories, knowledge that led him to serve in the Communist Party of Indochina.

This militancy led him to visit the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), where he participated in several congresses of the Communist International. Later he moved to China where he established contacts with the Communist Party of this country, where he joined the Huangpu Military School where the art of revolutionary warfare was taught to communist militants in Asia.

After many years of evading persecution, in 1930 he was arrested in China and after several years in prison he was released. He returns to his country where he founded the Vietnam Liberation Front and creates a guerrilla army, which was adding fighters who fought heroically during the French invasion.

Later, against the Americans, who, in their quest to demonstrate their power and stop the advance of socialism, unleashed all their monstrosity and genocidal spirit by throwing more than seven million tons of bombs and 100,000 tons of toxic chemicals, against this people who heroically resisted, fought and defeated them.

This victory, which was guided by “Uncle Ho”, came shortly after the death of this leader in a cave in Hanoi, as a result of tuberculosis.

55 years after the planting of this revolutionary leader, the peoples of the world raise the flags of this giant that is a beacon that illuminates the struggles of peoples for their freedom.

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