

HIDROCAPITAL completes parent pipeline repair in Altos Mirandinos

The Government is making progress in actions that benefit the People
Miranda Governorate

Published at: 09/02/2024 03:34 PM

This Friday, repairs were completed on the main pipeline of the Pan-American System, at the height of Perimetral Avenue in San Antonio de Los Altos, Los Salias municipality.

The work carried out by HIDROCAPITAL, the Government of Miranda and the mayor's office consisted of breaking the asphalt road, excavation, location of the fault, and then repairing the pipe that supplies drinking water to Los Salias, Carrizal and Guaicaipura.

According to information provided by the state water company on its social networks, in the early morning of this Friday, water pumping began for the three Altomirandine jurisdictions, while the works were carried out to cover the hole in the intervened area, and then asphalting work was carried out on the road.

Crews and heavy machinery, such as backhoes and pailoader, as well as dump trucks, were used to service the pipeline.