

HIDROCAPITAL achieves more than 59% progress in work to optimize the operation of the Taguaza system

HIDROCAPITAL is working to strengthen the drinking water service in the municipalities of Zamora, Plaza and Acevedo in the state of Miranda
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 29/05/2024 08:47 AM

Hydrology of the Capital Region (HIDROCAPITAL) announced that the work carried out to optimize the operation of the Taguaza system, in Miranda state, has advanced 59.29%.

“The HIDROCAPITAL workforce, including workers, engineers, technicians, welders and machinery of all kinds, is working simultaneously on several fronts to advance with the objectives set to optimize the operation of the Taguaza system,” HIDROCAPITAL reported in a message posted on its account on the social network X.

He also indicated that with 59.29% progress, the team of hydrological professionals is focusing efforts to strengthen drinking water service in the municipalities of Zamora, Plaza and Acevedo.

The day of corrective and preventive maintenance of the Taguaza System, which began last Monday, May 28, includes the installation of a new 900 HP engine with its vertical pump, the repair of faults, the replacement of suction cups and the maintenance of electromechanical hydraulic system.

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