

Hernández Lárez: Operation Fog 2024 continues to be deployed in the state of Amazonas

The FANB continues to exercise national sovereignty against criminal illegal mining groups in Amazonas
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 29/04/2024 10:11 AM

The Strategic Operational Commander of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), G/J Domingo Hernández Lárez, announced that as part of Operation Fog 2024, FANB officials continue to be deployed in the state of Amazonas, “exercising national sovereignty against criminal illegal mining groups that cross security and defense areas at our borders to commit ecocide in the state of Amazonas”.

Through a post on his account on the social network X, Hernández Lárez, recalled that within the national parks of the state of Amazonas, agricultural crops in general, commercial or subsistence breeding of domestic animals, agroforestry or agro-silvo-pastoral activities and commercial aquaculture; mining and the exploitation of hydrocarbons; the construction of marginal dams to watercourses and similar hydraulic works; forest plantations of any type, as well as the introduction and planting of exotic plants, with the exception of planting shrubs and herbs of ornamental value in gardens in service areas. As well as the construction of any type of power generation plant and forest use; any type of commercial establishment, except for the sale of souvenirs, local handicrafts and concessions for public services provided within the park and non-artisanal industries.

Likewise, the installation of commercial billboards and advertisements; urban developments and human settlements, housing developments and tourist clubs, public or private; the experimentation and manipulation of renewable natural resources contained in the area, for commercial or livelihood purposes and any other that is expressly prohibited by the special characteristics of the area, in its corresponding management and management plan and respective regulations for use, are prohibited.

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