

Hermanos Améstica were sentenced to 25 years in prison for the double homicide of Canserbero and Almonar

Attorney General, Tarek William Saab

Published at: 02/02/2024 01:35 PM

During a press conference, the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, reported that Natalia Améstica and Guillermo Améstica's sentence was lowered to 25 years because they took advantage of the special procedure for admitting the facts of the double murder of Tirone González, better known as Canserbero, and Carlos Molnar.

These statements by the Améstica brothers were made this February 1st at the preliminary hearing in which the 85th National and 62nd National prosecutors ratified the accusation of those involved.

“There, in front of the judge, the prosecutors and their technical defense, seeing the more than 100 pieces of evidence contained in the accusation presented by the Public Prosecutor's Office, Natalia Améstica and Guillermo Améstica took advantage of the special procedure for the admission of facts,” said the Prosecutor.

In addition, the prosecutor presented new videos (recorded on January 28 and 31, 2024) that complement the statements of the Améstica brothers in which they acknowledged their guilt.

On the other hand, the officials of the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations Corps (CICPC) involved were left with an arrest warrant and a red alert from Interpol: Yonel Alejandro Toro Noguera; Arquelis Enrique Blanco Campos; (service commission); Vicson Jesús Medina (is in the United States). In addition to former prosecutors Tulio Enrique Mendoza and Yoli Abelina Torres.

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