

Héctor Rodríguez: We are going to a campaign overcoming great difficulties and storms

Installation of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command will have seven work teams
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 16/05/2024 08:27 PM

“We are going to a campaign with great certainties (...) Among them is that of having overcome great difficulties and storms”. This was stated by the governor of the state of Miranda, Héctor Rodríguez during the installation of the Our Venezuela Campaign Command this Thursday, May 16.

He indicated that “we are going to a campaign with great threats, because the peace of the country is at stake. That is why we ask ourselves: Who of all the candidates guarantees peace? Would any of the opposition, if they were to win, be able to guarantee it? Without a doubt, the one who can guarantee peace in the country is Nicolás Maduro Moros, a truth that the vast majority of Venezuelans know.”

In his words, Rodríguez stressed that “we have to summon and unite the People to overcome this electoral battle. We must have a campaign command oriented to dialogue, that adds and goes beyond traditional structures.”

He added that “the future of the country is at stake and for sure it will have an intense and beautiful campaign, but it will also give a great victory”.

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