

Héctor Rodríguez: The National Government has fully complied with the agreements signed in Barbados

Héctor Rodríguez, representative of the National Government delegation for dialogue
Photo: National Assembly

Published at: 27/01/2024 06:34 PM

The National Government has fully complied with all the agreements discussed and signed at the dialogue table with the opposition installed in Barbados, said the representative of the National Government delegation for dialogue, Héctor Rodríguez.

In this regard, during statements made this Saturday afternoon, he reiterated that the position of the Revolutionary Government is to continue sitting at the dialogue table to achieve agreements that allow it to reach agreements for peace and democracy.

“We want the world to know that Venezuelan institutions, people and democracy accept neither threats nor blackmail. In Venezuela, there will be presidential elections this year as required by constitution and with all the electoral guarantees,” he emphasized.

In the same way, he stressed that it is a great harm to the dialogue that, while the parties are sitting in conversation, there are political actors betting on assassination and coups d'etat.

“If they really want to support the path of peace and democracy, they have to assume their responsibility and condemn acts of violence,” he stressed.

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