

Héctor Rodríguez: In the Barbados agreements, there was never talk of enabling any specific candidate

Héctor Rodríguez, representative of the National Government delegation for dialogue
Photo: Screenshot

Published at: 27/01/2024 05:41 PM

Within the agreements signed in Barbados, there was never talk of qualifying any specific opposition candidate, on the contrary, he was emphatic in pointing out that the agreements would be for those who have not acted against our constitution and laws, emphasized Héctor Rodríguez, Representative of the National Government Delegation for Dialogue.

“It was always clearly stated that dialogue would be to forgive crimes, to justify violations of the constitution. No particular candidate was ever mentioned at any dialogue table, there was always talk of the fact that those who were responsible for acts of corruption, crimes, calls for state coups, blockades and sanctions, have to assume their responsibilities,” Rodríguez said in statements made this Saturday.

In this regard, he stressed that these conditions were accepted by the opposition actors who signed the Barbados Agreement, so that now they cannot claim to violate the constitution and laws.

“When you reach an agreement and sign some rules of the game, the most decent thing is to accept them. In no political system in the world can a political leader call for sanctions and blockades against his country, call for coups d'etat, assassinations, and not assume the logical responsibility that such acts have,” he stressed while emphasizing that our country's democracy needs leaders who assume their responsibilities.

In the same way, Rodríguez stressed that it is not up to Chavism to solve the internal problems of the opposition. However, he pointed out that the Executive is willing to maintain the dialogue that allows the right to resolve the differences they suffer from having to accept the imposition of “irrational and anti-democratic leadership”.

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