

Héctor Rodríguez: Chavism is strong like the Orinoco River

Héctor Rodríguez, Team Leader of the Grand Patriotic Pole

Published at: 09/06/2024 06:10 PM

The head of the Great Patriotic Pole Team (GPP), Héctor Rodríguez, highlighted that the work of revolutionaries and revolutionaries in an organized manner under the leadership of President Nicolás Maduro.

“Our main strength is expressed in the diversity of these social movements. Chavism is like the Orinoco River because it is so large and has such strength that it collects from different flows, so is Chavism,” Rodríguez emphasized, during the Meeting of the “Our Venezuela” Campaign Command.

He stressed that Venezuelans have the right to build a future without the violence that the right wing seeks to establish again in the country.

“Expanding the 1x10 organization will build that peace victory that we deserve, good times are coming for Venezuela, ” he said.

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