

Health Goes to School Program served 5 more thousand children and young people in Trujillo

The Bolivarian Government advances in the attention of the People

Published at: 19/03/2024 01:58 PM

A total of 32 Trujillan schools were served by the Health Goes to School program, promoted by the Ministry of Popular Power for Health, according to the website of the newspaper Última Noticias.

In this regard, it became known that during the day, 5,000 children and young people were treated, who received care in terms of nutrition, vaccination, optometry, sexual health and dentistry.

The conference was held on March 11, 15 and 16, and was attended by a team of specialists in various branches of medicine.

“This day was promoted and was led by Yadira Pereira, the Single Health Authority, who organized the more than 1,149 consultations. In addition, educational sessions were held on the importance of brushing to maintain good oral health,” the newspaper reported.

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