

Head of State: We will defend Venezuela with our lives so that sickening empire respects it

Caravan and March for the 20th Anniversary of Commander Chávez's Anti-Imperialist Declaration
Presidential Press

Published at: 29/02/2024 03:56 PM

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, after showing the video of Commander Hugo Chávez's speech in which he declared the anti-imperialist nature of the Revolution on February 29, 2004, stressed that the Eternal Leader is a living history that fuels the country's socialist process every day.

“Living history, a current legacy that we will know how to defend with our lives together with our people so that sickening empire respects Venezuela sooner rather than later,” he emphasized from the Caracas Botanical Garden.

In this regard, he said that Venezuelans are more prepared than ever before in the face of imperial pretensions. “Let them not mess with the dignity of our people!” , warned.

He stressed that the Bolivarian Revolution is profoundly Chavista and with the conviction of remaining under the thoughts of the Liberator Simon Bolivar and the Eternal Commander.

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