

Head of State: We are the guarantee of peace and stability of the Fatherland

Long March January 23
Presidential Press Photo

Published at: 23/01/2024 04:51 PM

This Tuesday, January 23, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, assured that the Bolivarian Revolution is the guarantee of peace and stability of the Homeland.

“Positive mind, positive attitude because we are the guarantee of peace and the Fatherland,” said the National Executive at the Great March 23 of January in Caracas.

He also called on Popular Power to work together “on a formula that guarantees us to continue working on economic and social recovery, peace and the formula that will guarantee us to build sustainable prosperity, no longer dependent on oil, but on collective work.”

He stressed the importance of continuing to delve into the 7T. “Towards 2030, the 7T.Net.2030 is the formula (...) with that we are going to conquer and build the glorious future of Venezuela, a power sealed by our Commander (Hugo) Chávez,” he said and reaffirmed the importance of unity to continue confronting conspiracies and attacks.

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