

Head of State: We are committed to implementing a structural plan to recover Lake Maracaibo

“I receive a weekly report to see the steps forward,” said the head of state

Published at: 18/03/2024 07:34 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, emphasized that the Bolivarian Government is committed to continuing to strengthen a structural plan to progressively recover Lake Maracaibo.

“I am committed to a structural plan to progressively recover Lake Maracaibo,” he said.

He argued that “we must achieve the rebirth of the Lake together because this is not a partisan or political task, this is not just about Maduro, this belongs to all of us.”

In that sense, I affirm that “we have to summon the whole of Zulia, because this is a historic, structural task and together we must go to the comprehensive recovery of Lake Maracaibo”.

The approach was made in the state of Zulia, in the With Maduro en la Vía section, in broadcast number 38, of his program “With Maduro +”, in which he explained that the plan contemplates placing ecological pipes, guaranteeing the safety of operations for which there are Community Councils, communities in general, fisherwomen and fishermen.

“I receive a weekly report to see the steps forward, it's about going back almost a century,” he said.

He also recalled the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the triumph of the Naval Battle of Lake Maracaibo, “I felt the spirit of the Liberators there (...) because it was fundamental to the independence of South America and all of America, the victory of the Naval Battle of the Lake”.

“Without the victory of the Naval Battle of the Lake, there would have been no Junín, no Ayacucho, there would have been no definitive independence,” he said.

On the other hand, to date, 79,000 tons of waste have been collected on all the shores of Lake Maracaibo. “We have to make the most of all cleaning plans, with a well-aimed scientific plan that unites the whole of Zulia, that unites all the populations of the lake. We set ourselves the goal, year 2030 reborn lake, clean lake”, he emphasized.

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