

Head of State warned his counterpart from Ecuador about US “collaboration”: It's a big mistake

After Correa, “a traitor came who was bankrupt and bought by the gringos, Lenín Moreno,” said the head of state

Published at: 22/01/2024 08:04 PM

The governments of Ecuador, after the term of President Rafael Correa, have been surrendering and traitors to the Ecuadorian people, as stated this Monday, January 22, by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, in his program “Con Maduro+”, broadcast from the state of La Guiara, in its 31st broadcast.

He specified that after the Government of President Correa, “who governed in peace and prosperity, a traitor came who was bankrupt and bought by the gringos, Lenín Moreno, and he made a pact with the mafias and opened the doors to the mafias.”

President Maduro, addressing his counterpart from Ecuador, stressed that “it will not be the Southern Command, President (Daniel) Noboa, who will bring true peace and security, with full respect for the Constitution, to the People of Ecuador.”

“It's a big mistake to take that step,” he warned and reiterated Venezuela's willingness to offer advice on the fight against crime and criminal groups linked to drug trafficking.

“I told you modestly, if you want to speak to President Novoa and I can tell you how Venezuela, with a Venezuelan national doctrine, with its own forces, with its own efforts, without the DEA, without the US military mission, has built the foundations for a new security, with respect for the people, without repression,” he said.

He emphasized that it is a strategy of the United States to “create chaos and you can dominate peoples” under the slogan of “divide and conquer”.

“These are two imperial and oligarchic norms. They create chaos and impose states of repression, authoritarian states, states of persecution, and behind authoritarian states comes the model of colonial domination, comes the model of neoliberal devastation,” he warned.

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