

Head of State urged FANB Academies to submit proposals to deal with military logistics

“I set you up as a task, and I await your written response from each one of you,” said President Maduro

Published at: 03/05/2024 07:17 PM

The President of the Republic and Commander in Chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), Nicolás Maduro, urged the directors of the country's Military Academies, as well as the authorities of the Bolivarian Military University of Venezuela, to submit proposals aimed at dealing with and resolving military logistics, in the case of imperialist aggression against the country or against its allies.

“I set you up as a task, and I await your written answer from each one of you, on logistics issues to win the battles we have to win, with our own effort and intelligence,” he said in Cojedes state, where he supervised the Field Period and Maneuvers of the UMBV 2024 Campaign “The Essequibo is Ours”.

He specified that it is a question of how to solve military logistics: rifles, bullets, missiles and drones “at the time of the small one when we have to fight in any territory. I leave that task to you guys.”

In that sense, he called on the military force to forge its anti-imperialist character to defend the Homeland, in the face of any scenario.

“You have to dedicate time to work, to intelligence, to creativity in the spirit of Bolívar,” he said.

He emphasized that in his capacity as President of the Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the FANB, “I have had to resolve this issue in other fields, not in the military, but in the economic field to recover with my own efforts, overcoming sanctions, blockades, threats and setting up a new productive economy, which is already taking flight.”

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