

Head of State: “Today more than ever, more family and more homeland”

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Presidential Press

Published at: 11/05/2024 02:29 PM

The President, Nicolás Maduro, during a telephone call with the parish of San Agustín, in Caracas, where the More Years More Love Day was held, in the context of the Great Mission of Grandparents and Grandmothers of the Fatherland, stressed that in this new phase of the Bolivarian Revolution, permanent operations will be carried out to serve older adults.

“Develop permanent working hours”, so that “no one lacks a health pension, medicine, pills,” as well as moving forward to inaugurate “an exemplary house for grandparents and grandmothers in all the municipalities of the country,” said the Venezuelan head of state.

The national president called for organizing grandparents' and grandmothers' circles in all neighborhoods and streets, to exercise, be healthy and share. He also established the national goal of 20,000 circles of grandparents and grandmothers or more.

In another telephone contact with the Marcano municipality, in the state of Nueva Esparta regarding the More Years More Love day, the Minister of Popular Power for Health, Magaly Gutiérrez, and of Tourism, Ali Padrón, gave details to the National President about these special operations for comprehensive care for older adults.

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