

Head of State to the Popular Forces: We must have clear objectives!

President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro
Presidential Press

Published at: 06/05/2024 01:25 PM

On Monday, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, urged the country's popular forces to jointly define strategic lines of action to guarantee the fulfillment of the goals of the revolutionary process for the well-being of the population.

“I say to the entire popular movement, to all popular forces, to the Communal Power, to the spokespersons and spokespersons of the People's Power, to the Heads and Heads of the Street and Community, to the leaders of the CLAP, to the social groups, to activism, to that beautiful force that expresses itself in the streets every day: We must have clear objectives, clear plans!” , said the head of state.

From Los Caobos Park, in Caracas, during a meeting with governors, mayors and sponsors of the country's regions to review the Executive's work agenda, the Dignitary called for “putting the main effort on the main lines and on the battle fronts simultaneously, so that you can see the good results.”

He stressed that in this way “the national reality will react positively, more and more. We are in a year 2024 of the rise of popular force, of expression of the new revolutionary popular majority; now the new revolutionary popular majority is beginning to take shape and cause in the streets of Venezuela,” he emphasized.

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