

The National President recalled that this position has been historic on the part of Venezuela
Presidential Press

Published at: 04/03/2024 08:56 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, confirmed that Venezuela does not recognize the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice on the subject of the Essequibo controversy, so he recommended that his Guyanese counterpart, Irfaan Ali, “do not waste time” going to this instance.

“An audience will be held on April 8 that we don't recognize and I told President Guyana, I said it to him on December 14 in front of all the prime ministers of the Caribbean and now I told him again at the CELAC Summit: Guyana can decide how to waste its time, Exxon Mobil has the votes bought, but Venezuela has never accepted the ICJ's jurisdiction over the issue of the Essequibo , but also the People in a referendum that rejected it, ratifying this historic position,” he emphasized.

During his Con Maduro+ program, held in Los Teques, Miranda state, the National President recalled that this position has been historic on the part of Venezuela for no less than 75 years, so he urged the Guyanese government to return to negotiations within the framework of the Geneva Agreement.

Guyana will be able to go and receive whatever sentence it wants, but Guyana will be obliged to sit down with Venezuela to discuss under the framework of the Geneva Agreement,” he said.

He denounced that he is delegitimized due to his submission to the commands of Western imperialism, which he said has been evidenced by their silence regarding the genocide that the Zionist Government of Israel is committing against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

“A decision by the ICJ could stop the genocide in Israel and what does it do? Nothing! Because the ICJ is in the hands of the Western global empire, it is in the hands of transnational corporations,” he said.

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