

Head of State: The working class has always been on the front line of the fight against the oligarchy

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Presidential Press

Published at: 01/05/2024 05:19 PM

“The working class has always been on the front line in the fight against oligarchy, surnames and imperialism, said the President of the Republic, said the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, when he received a representation of the march on the occasion of the celebration of Workers' Day.

He assured that he will never forget the contribution of the Venezuelan working class in activating the Constitutional process that neutralized the violence of the fascist sectors of the oligarchy and its extreme right parties.

“You accompanied me, we made the National Constituent Assembly and we won peace to this day. Thanks to the working class!” , exalted the National President, in an assembly with the working class, from Miraflores.

In the midst of the guarimbas of 2017, which were the most violent, criminal and bloody whose surnames activated the oligarchy together with imperialism, I activated a Constitutional process, we won it and we conquered peace,” he said.

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