

Head of State: The US is behind the recent acts of violence in the country

“Gringos have always been there, before, during and after the coup d'etat of April 11, 2002,” said President Maduro

Published at: 29/07/2024 08:53 PM

This Monday, July 29, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, reported that behind the recent acts of violence in the country, the United States government is found and they are executed by the Venezuelan extremist right.

“Underlying the plan goes and behind this plan are the gringos, they have always been there, before, during and after the coup d'etat of April 11, 2002 and all the guarimbas,” he said.

“We have witnessed a set of events, I could present you with 100 videos of violent, criminal, terrorist attacks, of handfuls of people of whom we have captured a significant number, several dozen because the videos have remained,” he explained.

He pointed out that 80% of those arrested have criminal records, “some of them are people who have returned very recently on the flights sent by the gringos to Venezuela.”

“Almost 90% of those captured have two characteristics: they are in an advanced state of drug addiction and are armed. Drugs and weapons, and insanity. They confess that they are paying them $150 a day, he said.

The head of state reported that the investigation is progressing to determine who are the masterminds and financiers of these acts of violence, “many of them are already speaking out”.

I am obliged to tell you the truth and we are all obliged to hear the truth, to arm ourselves with patience, peace of mind and strength, because we know this film and we know how to face these situations and how to defeat violent people,” he said.

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