

Head of State: The North American Empire violates Venezuelans' human rights every day

Presentation of the annual message to the Nation by President Nicolás Maduro
VTV capture

Published at: 15/01/2024 01:09 PM

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, assured, from the protocol chamber of the National Assembly (AN), that the North American empire violates the human rights of Venezuelans every day with the imposition of more than 930 unilateral coercive measures.

During the presentation of his Annual Message to the Nation, the Head of State emphasized that “for nine years, every day, American imperialism violates the human rights of our people, maintaining more than 930 immoral and illegal criminal sanctions against our nation. That is why each of the results obtained, each goal achieved, with effort, must bear the label, from now on; every work, every goal, everything we do must bear a clear label, differentiating this time that we are living in that says: done, built, designed, created, overcome, in a time of war and imperialist blockade”.

In this regard, he highlighted the work of the different sectors that make up the nation and emphasized that the democratic, participatory and leading model of Venezuela “not only works, as has been seen and proven, but it is increasingly necessary in today's world to avoid social catastrophes and, despite the criminal blockade to which the empire gives more strength every day, we never give up on the mission of guaranteeing protection and embrace to our people” .

On the other hand, he took the opportunity to recognize the work of all the deputies and deputies in drafting 77 laws sanctioned, discussed and consulted with the People: “77 agreements as a whole since their installation in 2021 that shaped the modern and relevant legal architecture that we are enjoying today and without which we would not have been able to make progress in solving national problems, in improving conditions to solve recovery at all levels of government and the welfare of the Fatherland”.

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