

Head of State: The management of the Covid-19 pandemic in Venezuela was exemplary

Mature Podcats #7

Published at: 07/02/2024 05:00 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, applauded the management of Venezuela and especially of Executive Vice President Delcy Rodriguez, as head of the presidential commission during the Covid-19 pandemic.

During episode #7 of the program Maduro Podcats, the head of state indicated that the management of the situation was “exemplary”, and recalled that “we went out every day, I went out, the ministers came out, every day; we spoke to our people and the people reacted in an exemplary way.”

He also specified that thanks to the steps taken and plans undertaken by the State, thousands of lives were saved, “and we are making progress on the coronavirus.”

For her part, the executive vice-president highlighted the uncertainty that existed in the world surrounding the pandemic and said that “it is a pride to know that in our continent the epicenter of the pandemic was not Venezuela , because the Venezuelan model of going inside the neighborhood, of caring for family by family saved us.”

In this regard, the President indicated that the United States was the epicenter with “privatized health care; Iván Duque's Colombia, Brazil Bolsonaro, the countries where the right wing led and in Venezuela, fortunately, we can say that it was one of the countries that could control better control.”

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