

Head of State thanks the people's willingness to run for office: It's a loving reward

Candidacy registration with the CNE
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 25/03/2024 03:19 PM

After formalizing his registration as a candidate for the presidential elections on July 28 , before the National Electoral Council (CNE), the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, thanked the People and the revolutionary forces that nominated him to fulfill this task.

He stated that he dedicated himself to listening “with great attention to the reasons, arguments, analyses and perspectives of each activist, of each militant, of each volunteer (...) how each of you narrated our epic, valued the human essence of the struggle we have fought”.

He stressed that he was moved by “so much generosity and recognition on the part of the people to this humble man from the neighborhoods of Caracas, to this humble worker, but above all I was filled with pride so much conscience and so much sense of history that our beloved People of Venezuela have (...) they expressed their will to nominate my name constitutionally, carrying out the simplest and at the same time high human values, which I consider to be a loving reward that I never expected, but that fills me with strength, fills me with life, fills me with energy, with love to continue fighting for our beloved homeland and for the future of all.”

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