

Head of State signed a Public Offer to grant space for 5G technology

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Presidential Press

Published at: 23/09/2024 09:19 PM

President Nicolas Maduro, during his program “With Maduro+”, reiterated his congratulations to the organizers of the II International Telecommunications Fair of Venezuela (FITELVEN), for the successes in the call, quality of the event and agreements reached.

The Second International Technology Fair was a success. The telecommunications sector is also growing, expanding and consolidating itself as a source of the Venezuelan economy,” said the Head of State, who during the program signed the Public Offer process for the Granting of Portions of the Radio Spectrum in order to Develop and Deploy New Communications Technologies. That is, the offer to advance to 5G.

He also announced that, in an effort to guarantee technological sovereignty and strengthen national telecommunications, 10 telecommunications operators signed a historic agreement, whose objective is to improve the quality of Internet traffic in the country without the need to use the global network.

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