

Head of State: Right seeks to implement a new scenario of violence in Venezuela

Those who call for hate are those who want to bring violence
Presidential Press

Published at: 03/06/2024 08:45 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, denounced the maneuvers orchestrated by the extreme right to implement scenarios of violence, similar to the guarimbas of 2014 and 2017.

“Never more hate crimes! Because those who call for that hatred are those who want to bring violence back to Venezuela with the intention of us confronting each other, killing each other,” he denounced during the program Con Maduro+ in its 48th edition.

“This hatred, that violence has awakened in sectors and that is the main commitment made by the extreme right in Venezuela,” in the face of these scenarios, he reiterated his call to the People to preserve peace, as well as to cultivate love, coexistence and respect in the face of attempts to sow fascism in Venezuela.

“Crimes of political and racial hate such as that of Orlando Figuera must never be repeated. These people cannot return, they cannot return to their fascism, they can never return to their hatred,” he stressed.

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