

Head of State ratifies the Head of CEOFANB and makes changes to the REDI

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Published at: 14/10/2024 06:59 PM

The Head of State, Nicolás Maduro, announced changes in the Commands of the Strategic Regions for Integral Defense (REDI), after ratifying GJ Domingo Antonio Hernández Lárez as head of the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (CEOFANB).

In this sense, the new bosses will be:

  • MG. Pedro Esteban González Ovalles, REDI Occidental
  • MG. Jose Gregorio Martinez Campos, R of Los Andes,
  • MG. Royman Antonio Hernández Briceño, REDI Los Llanos
  • MG. Jesús Rafael Villamizar Gómez, REDI Central
  • MG. Dilio Guillermo Rodriguez Diaz, REDI Capital
  • MG. Juan Ernesto Sulbarán Quintero (Ratified), REDI Oriental
  • MG. Wilfredo Alexander Medrano Machado, REDI Guyana,
  • ALM. José Rafael Hernández Abchi, REDI Maritime and Insular.

“I thank those who carried out their work throughout this time in the face of the important responsibilities they carried out impeccably and I wish success to those who are called to serve. The mission is the same: to continue to guarantee independence, security and peace, three fundamental assets of our beloved homeland,” the president wrote on his social networks.


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